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Mezzaluna Restaurant and Pizzeria - Viest Hotel

Via Uberto Scarpelli 41, Vicenza
Tel. 0444 582677
Web www.viest.it
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Restaurant and Pizzeria

Local and international cuisine, accompanied by a Italian wine list and a national tantalizing choice of homemade desserts. These are the premises that the Chef ensures the onsite restaurant at Hotel Viest. Healthy food followed by original regional cuisine, with first quality food and impeccable service.

Wine Bar

A bright location in which both Hotel guests and visitors can find a monent of relaxation and distraction. The cuisine is simple, but full of tasty fast food as sandwiches and salads or hot dishes such as pasta and traditional stews of meat and assorted vegetables.




ViVHotel – Vicenzaoro Verified Hotel

live the golden hospitality trasparente

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Via Montale 25, 36100 Vicenza - Italy

Phone: +39 0444 96 43 80
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Web: www.vicenzabooking.com

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